Welcome to My Crib, Er, Blog
I am a completely burnt out graduate student in my last semester of a program no one really understands. I write (well, type) this inaugural blog post in the ever-so-slightly nauseatingly fluorescent lighting and uncomfortable, plastic chairs of the first floor (or is this the second floor? I never know) of Newman Library. I thought by this point, I would be passionately researching my Master’s Thesis, waiting with baited breath to hear back from the scores of ivy league schools I had applied to for my PhD in Art History. Ha. HAHAHAHA. No. Instead, I have given up on academia. Or shall we say--I will be taking an extended leave of absence from academia post-graduation. Whether it’s because I'm totally exhausted or have lost confidence in myself or because grad school is just HARD--and I'm here. Hello. Welcome to my life. I am sorry that you have to read this (then again, if you're the TA, you're also probably a graduate student and you probably g...